One of 20 artists exhibiting in a Holy Week exhibition at Park Lake Presbyterian Church, Orlando, FL. Meet the artist reception April 3, 6:00-7:30 pm
July 1-August 25, 2021
Duo exhibition, Illusion & Illumination at Courtroom Gallery in Rock Hill, SC. Reception Aug 5, 7-9 pm.
April, 2020
Exhibited at Orlando Museum of Art's virtual 1st Thursday annual juried members' exhibition, Days of Holiness; Friday
April, 2019
Exhibited at Orlando Museum of Art's 1st Thursday annual juried members' exhibition, Blue Upon Blue; one tern deserves another, Blue Upon Blue; lost at sea
April, 2018
Exhibited at Orlando Museum of Art's 1st Thursday annual juried members' exhibition, Blue Upon Blue; the deep and Blue Upon Blue; after the rain
January 22-April 16 2017
Exhibiting the series Gold, Blue Purple and Scarlet; a sanctuary during Lent and Easter at Central Christian Presbyterian Church in Montclair, NJ
October 14, 2016
Teaching Art of Sanctuary workshop at Cru Headquarters in Orlando, FL, titled Contemplative Collage.
September, 2015
Received and completed a commission of four paintings to be installed at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Sarasota, FL.
May, 2015
I've been invited as a juried participant to RESPIRO Artist Residency to be held in Castel Del Piano, Italy July 15-Aug 5. I will be joining American and Italian artists for three weeks, living in community, making art, responding to biblical studies and prayer and engaging in conversation with local inhabitants. www.
October 7-9, 2014
I've been invited to show four pieces of art at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, GA for the exhibition, mother/artist artist/mother. I am one of nine artists to show work and will give a lecture about my work and journey as an artist at the opening on October 8.
May 5-22, 2014
At the invitation of The Art Factory in Kandern, Germany, I will be teaching a workshop, a watercolor class and co-leading a Dinner and Dialogue evening in this creative space. For more information, go to Check out the "more" link on the menu to view activities.
January, 2014
Invited to show four paintings in Spark and Echo Arts Annual Show at Theatre Lab in NYC as one of the commissioned 2013 artists. See September 2013 entry below with website link.
November, 2013
Currently exhibiting two paintings at City Arts Factory, Orlando, FL as part of the annual juried members exhibition.
Awarded 1st Place in the Inspired Artworks visual exhibition at Storytellers Creative Arts Conference, November 7-9 in Naples FL (
September, 2013
Opened a new solo show at Lake Hart International Gallery, Orlando, FL, titled Gold Blue Purple and Scarlet; a sanctuary, inspired by Old Testament writings in Exodus 31-35 describing the Tabernacle. Check my Galleries page to view images and Artist Reflections page to read text.
New image, Harvest Psalter, was commissioned by Spark and Echo Arts as a September featured work. View at
July, 2013
Exhibited at Orlando Museum of Art's 1st Thursday show as part of Artists annual juried show with Under the Vine acrylic painting.
June, 2013
Exhibited at the Orlando Museum of Art's juried 1st Thursday Collaboration show. I joined five other artists to make a piece titled Fire, inspired by the Day of Pentecost.
April, 2013
Update from Women in the Arts competition: as one of five finalists, I was awarded the People's Choice and Fourth Place Awards at the Orlando Public Library, Orlando, FL.
February, 2013
I've been chosen as one of five finalists for the Women in the Arts competition ( , "Celebrating the Genius of Women" at the Orlando Public Library, Orlando, FL. The show can be viewed March 8-April 30 with public voting March 14-April 20.
December 3, 2012-February 4, 2013
My Alma Mater, Manchester University, North Manchester, IN will be featuring a solo show of my work in the Link Gallery titled Visual Renderings of the Word. This exhibit combines three series of acrylic and mixed media images.
December 3, 2012-January 31, 2013
The exhibit titled Unearthed and Revealed: ancient and contemporary discoveries, will be moving from White Stone Gallery (see September 1-29, 2012 entry below), to be featured in a solo exhibition at Cairn University (formerly Philadelphia Biblical University), in Langhorne, PA.
September 1-29, 2012
July, 2012
Three works shown at Orlando Museum of Art's juried July 5th 1st Thursday program.
April, 2012
Received my second comission from SoHo Myriad, Inc art consultancy for paintings to be displayed in Doubletree by Hilton Hotel in Pittsburg, PA
February, 2012
My work was accepted into the Gateway Center for the Arts Biennial Juried Exhibit, Odyssey in DeBary, FL and will hang from March 4-April 27, 2012. ( The theme for this exhibition coincides with the Smithsonian Exhibition scheduled for September 2012. The works submitted depict journeys to, from and within Florida. My work is titled Tide In and is inspired by a visit to Flagler Beach, FL. It is shown on the Recent Works page of this website. There is also a reflection written about it on the Artist Reflections page.
December, 2011
Award of Merit received for QumranEleven: unearthed evidenceVII, at the annual juried show in Gallery at Avalon Island, Orlando, FL
July, 2011
Received commission from Soho Myriad, Inc art consultancy for paintings to be displayed in New Orleans Hyatt Regency Hotel.